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If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting! Change is hard for some of us. We keep repeating certain behaviors expecting different results. A wise man once called this insanity. Whether you're in a toxic relationship, struggling with health issues, caught up in drugs, or find yourself in a situation not good for you struggling to get out. What ever the case may be fear not, for God has given us the key to unlock the door to change.

Rom 12 v.2 KJV. 2. And be not conformed to this world:but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Transformation is the process of spiritual warfare waged in the battle field of the mind. To have success in the process understand that you will be met with some resistance. It may come from the members of your own body, friends, family, surroundings, or whatever is keeping you from the good acceptable and perfect will of God.

I italicized the word renewing in the scripture because it speaks volume to the process. We know that whenever we want to sustain something we have to renew it,(drivers license;subscriptions;etc.) Well the same thing applies when transformation happens. We have to renew our minds to keep us firmly subscribed to our transformation.

The caterpillar said to the butterfly, "Your wings are so beautiful and you can fly." The butterfly replied, "Be patient for I was as you are and one day you shall sprout wings and learn to fly."

Prophet Noel

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