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Signs & Wonders

What a different world we now live in. It seems that mainstream values, principals, and morals I was taught as a kid are no longer paramount in today’s society. We have redefined what constitutes a family and how it functions. Roles have been shuffled to the point where war is being waged in our homes and the head of household is unrecognizable


The family has been under attack for a few generations now. We have allowed media and technology to infiltrate families and raise our children so much so until we are not allowed to discipline them without fear of jail time. Subsequently, this judicial mandate has spawned children that disrespect and curse their parents without fear of any repercussions. This is evident by the escalating crime in our cities, the blatant devaluation of life through gun violence perpetrated by our youth, and lack of respect towards elders and ones fellow man.

Society has somehow blurred the lines of what is acceptable and holy to God as it pertains to matrimony. Remember, Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed for sexual perversion yet, we have deemed it acceptable in our own sight even though God said He change not. Men have become lovers of themselves more than lovers of God. Babylon the Great has fallen.

Some women of today see their breasts as objects of seduction rather than a newborn baby’s nutrient filled lifeline. They forgo breast feeding for chemical formulas to nourish their babies rather than eating right to breast feed. Before the bra burning revolution of the sixties I had never heard of any women having breast cancer. Certainly there were no marches, runs, or walks to raise awareness or money to fight such a disease. Now the cries of girl power and pink ribbons are everywhere. Who’s raising the children?

Some men have fled their families and given up being head of household because of the challenge being put to him for his authority. There are also men who have abandoned their post and succumbed to sexual immorality and promiscuous behavior as a direct result of this challenge. Many of our young men have rebelled against all authority by wearing their pants down below their butts. Where can you get a job with your pants hanging like that? There are some who are parading their sexuality as a fashion statement by wearing dresses. Others have found a safe haven in drugs and alcohol. It’s time for men to repent and reclaim their position as the head.

In conclusion, everyone knows that if you cut off the head of the snake the snake dies. Look around! Our urban communities are all but desolate. The children are raising themselves with technology as their babysitter. Who sits at the head of your dinner table at supper time? Oh, I’m sorry. There’s no one there at dinner time because everyone has different schedules and the kitchen has become a dispenser of food in transit. Who blesses the food? Where are the role models for our children?

It seems as though Pandora’s’ box has been opened and we can’t close it. When I see these signs wonders a Scripture comes to mind. When God appeared to Solomon in 2 Chronicles 7:14 He said, (vs.14) “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Prophet Noel

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