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Changing Times


So perilous are these times that we’re living in. As the news media bombards us with the worldwide deaths of covid-19, I can’t help but wonder is anyone paying attention to bible prophesy.

Events of today seem to mirror the book of Revelation. Some of these prophesies have already taken place and were under sensationalized by the media. Whatever faith- based religon you believe in everyone knows that we are heading towards something. As bible believers we know that Jesus is coming soon and that these things precedes His return.

As these catastrophic worldwide events unfold it is important to note that it is our faith in God that has and will see us through. We know that it is with words God created the world and Jesus told us to speak to the mountain and not doubt in our hearts and it shall be removed. So, it is with my daily confession of faith taken from me, my mom, and bible passages that I decree;

I am blessed and highly favored, walking in divine health and healing with a measure of faith. Resurrected, restored and revived and covered in Christ Jesus’s precious blood with unspeakable joy because I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me for the joy of the Lord is my strength. For no weapon formed against me shall prosper. And though a thousand may fall by my side and ten thousand by my right hand it shall not come near me. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


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